Mindfulness: An Introduction

Once upon a time, it was possible to sit quietly and do nothing. It might only be for a moment but it happened on a semi-regular basis while we were waiting for things like public transport, medical appointments, our turn in the bank queue and other, pre-smartphone activities.

It might sound quaint and very old-fashioned now. But it gave our minds a break so we could day-dream, disengage from the world or simply take a few deep breaths.

Mindfulness is about regaining control of our days, resetting our minds and giving ourselves permission to focus on one thing at a time. We all have this ability. It comes naturally to us at a very early age. But our love of multi-tasking has created an atmosphere of “busy” that are causing high levels of stress, anxiety and hyper-stimulation.

What Is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness means being present in the moment and focusing on just one thing at a time. While we may feel we are more productive when we’re multitasking, numerous trials have found that we are more productive when we concentrate our efforts on a single task before moving onto the next one.

It’s extremely draining when you are constantly switching from one task to another. Or worrying about the things you “should” be doing rather than focusing on what you are doing now. To combat this, ask yourself, “Is this the most important thing for me to be doing at the moment?” If it is, then give it all your attention. That’s mindfulness.

Of course, those other tasks you are worrying about will still need to be done. But if you give each task your full attention, you will work a lot faster and achieve more in less time. So mindfulness is a great efficiency tool.

You’ll also finish each day with more energy because distractions and worry are draining.

Mindfulness Helps You Enjoy Life Outside Of Work

Mindfulness is not something you should restrict to working hours. It’s also something that helps you enjoy your life more. When you are “in the moment”, you are more observant of your environment. You’ll hear the birds sing. You’ll feel the warmth of the sun on your face. You’ll hear and enjoy humorous interactions between people. You’ll observe the changing colours of trees, flowers and the sky.

According to EAP Assist, when we regularly practise mindfulness, we will:

Feel calmer, happier and more connected with our family and friends

Reduce our stress levels

Experience better quality sleep

Be more productive and more successful at work

Reduce the symptoms associated with a wide range of mental health conditions 

Becoming Mindful

While mindfulness is an innate ability we all have, most of us are a bit rusty with its implementation. There are simple mindfulness exercises that can help us re-introduce it to our daily lives. The key is to try several different mindfulness activities to uncover the one that works best for you.

The End2End team can help you select and implement staff wellness programs. They can also advise you if you believe some staff are experiencing high-stress levels or are feeling overwhelmed at work.

Whatever the people management problem, End2End can help so call the team now on 02 8977 4002.