Mindfulness Programs – A Productivity Tool Worth Considering

For many years, the focus has been on keeping workers safe and more recently on how to best manage the mental health of our teams. But we are beginning to see a new emphasis emerge – maintaining the health and performance of our most productive workers and managers.


That’s easy! Investing in staff wellness programs:

– Reduces the number of sick days and absences

– Increases productivity by developing stamina and focus

– Improves team performance by enhancing communication and support

– Reduces staff turnover by increasing loyalty and engagement

Becoming “Mindful” At Work

Leading the charge in creating a healthy workplace are Mindfulness Programs. They are proving highly beneficial in:

– Removing emotion so individuals can focus on the facts and therefore make better decisions

– Easing panicky thoughts so individuals spend less time and energy worrying about their work and instead experience more stamina and improved performance

– Reducing multitasking so individuals can concentrate on a single task – a proven technique to improve efficiency

Leading From The Top

Depending on your workplace culture, introducing Mindfulness Programs could be met with resistance. That’s why it’s important to introduce this type of initiative from the top down.

When introducing mindfulness into your workplace, it’s important to highlight, that it won’t be adding an additional task to an already overburdened “To Do” list. Mindfulness can simply be taking a few moments to pause, reflect and regroup one’s thoughts. In fact, it can be quite easy to implement.

For example, at the beginning of each team meeting, ask all attendees to take a minute or two to think about the purpose of the meeting and why they are there. Dr Addie Wootten, CEO of Smiling Mind, says introducing this type of ritual before each meeting “…usually results in a more effective and quicker meeting”.

Imagine how many man-hours your business could save if meetings were shorter and more productive!

For some work environments, providing small, quiet spaces with comfy seating could help workers take a moment to reset their thinking, reduce their stress levels and become more mindful at work.

Beating Resistance

The introduction of something new can be met with resistance. However, tools that help boost productivity and performance should always be considered. The introduction of Mindfulness Programs might not be your first choice as a productivity tool but they are worth considering, along with many other approaches you could take.

If staff loyalty, engagement, performance and retention are aspects of your business you’d like to improve, contact End2End Business Solutions. We are your outsourced HR department – there to give you advice and assistance on all aspects of managing your team.

To find out how call us on 02 8977 4002.