Peer Feedback Can Supplement Management Feedback

Traditionally, management has been solely responsible for providing performance reviews, feedback and praise. This will always be important. However, the helicopter generation – those who have been closely supervised by their parents – typically need far more support and feedback than their line managers have time to supply.

But recent research indicates informal feedback, advice and praise can be extremely powerful when delivered by peers. For example, when there is a strong sense of teamwork, employees will turn to each other for advice on how best to perform a role or task. Another example is when peers congratulate each other on a job well done.

The research indicates this peer-to-peer support can even overcome the inadequacies of supervisors with poor feedback skills.

Ideally, managers should provide regular and frequent performance reviews for all staff while immediately praising great performance. But to supplement this, co-worker support, feedback and praise should also be cultivated as part of your organisational culture.

For help with all aspects of developing your staff and cultivating high performance, contact the team at End2End Business Solutions. They are your outsourced HR department – offering the help and advice you need when you need it.

To learn more about what they can do for you and your business, call 02 8977 4002.